The Lone Wolf Channel
Comedy • Lifestyle • Spirituality/Belief
Living as a lone wolf man in today's world. The Lone Wolf Channel is a channel for people (mostly geared towards men) to discuss topics, news, articles, and humor in today's society. The main focus is looking at issues from multiple or under represented angles. The topics I discuss are not often heard in 2021 and people need to hear this message.

The divorce rates and single parent households in 2021 and beyond are extremely high.
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Blondie needs help finding a +1 for her cousins wedding.
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Replace men in the cities, with bears and get back to me on those statistics.
Multi colored haired womanists, suffer crushing blow. US Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade - WD37.
Multi colored haired womanists, suffer crushing blow. US Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade - WD37.
Charlie Sheen reacts to daughter Sami, 18, joining Fansonly: This didn't occur under my roof. - WD35
Charlie Sheen reacts to daughter Sami, 18, joining Fansonly: This didn't occur under my roof. - WD35
Dating is completely dead. Only women showed up to a singles mixer event. - WD36
Dating is completely dead. Only women showed up to a singles mixer event. - WD36
The rage and tears have already begun...
Beware if you ever hear this terrifying sound, in the dead of night.
98% of women bring nothing to the table, except problems, & are nothing but trouble. Compilation 9
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